Faut-il mâcher ou grumer le vin ?

Should you chew or chew the wine?

Wine tasting is a complex exercise, which requires a lot of practice. After having carried out the visual and olfactory examination of the wine, then comes the taste analysis. And to fully discover the qualities of a wine, the tasting method can be debated: should you chew the wine or chew the wine ? Let's do a check in.

The art of wine harvesting

Among wine lovers, there are two schools: those who chew, and those who chew. Let's first focus on the art of logging wine .

How to grow a wine?

Grunting a wine consists of taking a small quantity of wine in the mouth, then letting a little air penetrate, forming small bubbles which then absorb the flavors of the wine. On contact with the palate and tongue, these small bubbles explode, releasing aromatic notes with intensity. This type of wine tasting then allows you to practice retro-olfaction , which occurs, schematically, when you smell the wine through the inside of the nose.

Why should we grate wine?

According to wine tasting experts, tasting a wine allows you to discover incredible sensations , where the expression of the aromatic palette of the wine is increased tenfold. Indeed, upon contact with the air brought into your mouth, the aromas of the wine are released and are intensified by the retro-olfaction technique.

The art of chewing wine

In the second school, we find wine lovers who prefer to chew wine . This tasting technique is the oldest, but also the easiest to practice.

How to chew wine?

To chew a wine correctly, simply take the wine in the mouth , close the mouth, and circulate the wine, so that it comes into contact with the saliva, the palate, the tongue, and all the taste buds. The taster must then remember to breathe carefully through the nose, so that a bridge is created between the mouth and the nasal cavities, and the aromas unfold.

Chewing wine can take some time before the wine is fully expressed, and the exercise can take up to 15 seconds.

Why should you chew wine?

The goal of such a practice is to let the wine come into contact with saliva . In this way, the wine will release its aromas, while warming up. The odorous, tactile and taste sensations then disperse in the mouth, settle on the cheeks, and go to the nose.

Chewing wine is an ancestral technique, which we used like chewing food to perceive all the flavors. The major advantage of such a technique is that it is much easier to apply than mulching the wine.

Grunting or chewing wine: which method to choose?

Chew or chew? This question has always been debated in the world of wine, and does not really have a precise answer. In reality, it all depends on individual preferences. It must be recognized that the chewing technique is the easiest to master , but chewing the wine always has a small effect, especially among novices in oenology.

We must still trust the opinion of the majority of wine professionals, who find more advantages in chewing wine . Indeed, chugging the wine is very effective for a first tasting, and allows you to discover the alcohol, acidity, tannins and flavors of the wine, but this technique quickly reaches its limits. By chewing the wine, we let saliva come into play. This essential element in tasting then allows us to go to the heart of the wine , and discover the persistence of the aromas.

Wine tasting: learning to chew or chew wine

Like each stage of wine tasting , taste analysis is not innate. So, before you can take a full interest in examining the characteristics of a wine, it is important to know how to taste it. And to find out if you prefer to chew or chew wine , and to discover the differences between these two techniques, nothing beats a wine tasting workshop . An oenologist will accompany you to take your first steps in this complex world of wine.

Would you like to learn the art of wine tasting? Come to the cellars of Château de Berne to benefit from the advice of our oenologist, and find out if you prefer to chew or rummage the wine .

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